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Year: 2023

Understanding Recursive DNS: An Overview

Recursive DNS, or Domain Name System, is a cornerstone of how the internet functions today, yet many of us are unaware of its operations or its critical importance. This blog post aims to demystify Recursive DNS, explaining what it is, how it works, and why it’s so essential to our daily online interactions.

What is Recursive DNS?

To understand Recursive DNS, let’s first break down the Domain Name System process. The DNS is like the internet’s phonebook; it translates user-friendly domain names (like into IP addresses that computers use to identify each other on the network. When you type a URL into your browser, a DNS query is initiated to find the corresponding IP address.

Recursive DNS or DNS Recursor refers to the process that occurs when your browser asks a Recursive DNS server (often run by your ISP) to resolve a domain name into an IP address. This server takes on the responsibility of traversing the DNS hierarchy to find the precise IP address of the domain you’re trying to reach.

Vulnerabilities of Recursive DNS servers

How Does Recursive DNS Work?

Here’s a step-by-step overview of the Recursive DNS process:

  1. User Request: It all starts when you enter a domain name into your browser.
  2. Recursive Query: Your browser sends a query to a Domain Name System Recursor server.
  3. Root Name Server: The Recursive Domain Name System server queries a Root Name Server, the top of the Domain Name System hierarchy, if the information isn’t already cached.
  4. TLD Name Server: The Root points to a Top-Level Domain (TLD) Name Server (like .com or .net), which holds the information for the domain’s nameserver.
  5. Authoritative Name Server: The TLD Name Server directs the Recursive DNS server to the domain’s Authoritative Name Server, which knows the actual IP address.
  6. Response: The Recursive DNS server returns the IP address to your browser, allowing it to connect to the host server of the website you want to visit.
  7. Throughout this process, if any part of the DNS query can be answered from a local cache, it will be, to improve speed and reduce load on upstream servers.

Why is Recursive DNS Important?

DNS Recursor is critical for a few reasons:

  • Speed: Without DNS Recursor servers, each client would have to query multiple servers to resolve a domain name, which would significantly slow down the browsing experience.
  • Security: Recursive Domain Name System servers can provide security features like blocking malicious domains and preventing phishing attacks.
  • Reliability: By distributing the resolution process across various servers, the DNS infrastructure ensures higher uptime and resilience against failures.


Understanding DNS Recursor is crucial because it is the invisible force that keeps the internet accessible and streamlined. Without it, the seamless nature of our digital experiences would be compromised. By caching responses and strategically querying different servers within the DNS hierarchy, DNS Recursor servers efficiently translate human-friendly domain names into the numerical IP addresses that form the backbone of internet connectivity.

As internet users, we rarely need to think about the complex interplay of servers and requests that occur every time we visit a website. However, by appreciating the role of DNS Recursor, we gain insight into one of the fundamental systems that empower our digital lives.

How DNS Resolution Impacts Your Online Experience

When you enter a web address into your browser’s address bar or click a link to your favorite website, you probably don’t think much about the process that happens behind the scenes. However, every time you visit a website, your device goes through a crucial step called DNS resolution. DNS, or Domain Name System, is a fundamental part of how the internet functions, and it has a significant impact on your online experience. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of DNS resolution and explore how it affects your internet usage.

What is DNS Resolution?

Before we dive into the impact of DNS resolution, let’s understand what it is. DNS resolution is the process by which human-readable domain names, like, are converted into machine-readable IP addresses, like This conversion is necessary because computers communicate with each other using IP addresses, and they need to know which server to connect to when you enter a domain name.

The DNS resolution process involves several steps:

  1. Your device checks its local DNS cache: Your computer or mobile device may have previously looked up the IP address for a particular domain, and if the information is still stored in the cache, it can skip the full DNS resolution process, saving time.
  2. Your device contacts the local DNS server: If the IP address is not in the cache, your device sends a request to a DNS server provided by your internet service provider (ISP). This DNS server is responsible for resolving domain names into IP addresses.
  3. The local DNS server may refer to authoritative DNS servers: If the local DNS server doesn’t have the IP address information, it forwards the request to authoritative DNS servers, which are responsible for maintaining information about specific domains.
  4. The authoritative DNS server provides the IP address: Once the authoritative DNS server has the required information, it sends it back to your device’s DNS server, which then caches the result for future use.
  5. Your device connects to the web server: Armed with the IP address, your device can finally connect to the web server hosting the website you want to visit.

Now that we understand the process, let’s explore how DNS resolution can impact your online experience.

Website Loading Speed

The time it takes for a website to load can be significantly affected by DNS resolution. If your DNS server is slow or overloaded, it can lead to delays in retrieving the IP address. Furthermore, if the authoritative DNS server for the website is slow in responding, it can add to the latency. Therefore, a swift and responsive DNS resolution process is crucial for a fast and seamless browsing experience.

Security and Privacy

DNS resolution plays a critical role in online security and privacy. Cybercriminals can manipulate DNS to perform various attacks, such as DNS spoofing or DNS hijacking, to redirect users to malicious websites. To mitigate these risks, many internet users are opting for DNS services that offer enhanced security features like DNS over HTTPS (DoH) or DNS over TLS (DoT). These technologies encrypt DNS queries to protect against eavesdropping and tampering, enhancing your online security and privacy.

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Content Delivery

CDN (Content Delivery Network) providers rely heavily on DNS to ensure that users are connected to the nearest server location, reducing latency and speeding up content delivery. Efficient DNS resolution ensures that users are directed to the optimal server, which can significantly impact the loading speed of websites and the quality of streaming services.

Website Accessibility

If your DNS server is unable to resolve a specific domain, you may not be able to access the website at all. A reliable DNS resolution process is essential to ensure you can access all the websites you want to visit without interruptions.

Internet Service Provider Choice

Some internet service providers may use their DNS servers to redirect users to specific search engines or display ads when a domain doesn’t exist. By using alternative DNS services, you can have more control over your DNS resolution and avoid these practices if you find them intrusive.


DNS resolution is a critical but often overlooked aspect of our online experience. The speed and reliability of this process can significantly impact how quickly websites load, the security and privacy of your online activities, and your overall accessibility to the internet. Understanding the role of DNS resolution and considering the use of alternative DNS services can help you optimize your online experience and make it faster, more secure, and more enjoyable.

Secondary DNS vs Primary DNS: What’s the Difference?

Have you ever wondered what is the difference between Secondary DNS vs Primary DNS? This article will outline the distinctions between the two and provide an overview of the advantages of incorporating Secondary DNS into your Domain Name System.

Explanation of Primary DNS

The Domain Name System (DNS) translates domain names into their corresponding IP addresses, allowing users to access websites without memorizing long strings of numbers and letters. A Primary DNS server hosts a website’s zone file and a text database that stores essential domain information, like the IP address, domain administrator, and resource records.

Secondary DNS server explained

Resource records indicate the domain names and their correlating IP addresses, which sometimes take the form of an A record (IPv4 address), AAAA record (IPv6 address), MX record (for assigning mail servers to a domain), or NS record (for identifying the authoritative DNS servers). The Primary DNS server is also responsible for keeping the DNS records up-to-date and will propagate the changes to the secondary servers.

So, what is Secondary DNS?

Secondary DNS, or Secondary Domain Name systems, save backup DNS records of a domain’s information if the primary server. This ensures that the domain’s users can access the website without interruption—even if the primary server is down. Secondary DNS operates similarly to primary DNS, except they only replicate the records rather than hosts them. The records kept by Secondary DNS are updated periodically, typically daily, by the primary server. Additionally, Secondary DNS provides a layer of redundancy, security, and performance in the domain name system.

Benefits of implementing it

  • Provide redundancy, performance, and security. Secondary DNS has the ability to provide a layer of backup records to keep a website running in the case of primary server outages.
  • Allow administrators to balance workloads and access records from different locations. It allows administrators to spread the workload across multiple DNS servers.
  • Provide extra protection and redundancy. It provides an extra level of protection and redundancy that helps ensure that websites remain accessible even if the primary server goes down.
  • Ensure website access is not disrupted. Having Secondary DNS in place ensures that website users are able to access the site without disruption in the event of a primary server outage.

Secondary DNS vs Primary DNS – Differences

Secondary DNS and Primary DNS differ in several ways, the most notable being that Primary DNS are responsible for hosting domain name information and managing resource records, whereas Secondary DNS only replicates records from the primary server. Additionally, Primary DNS servers are usually faster and more reliable than secondary servers because they have a direct connection to the authoritative nameservers.

When it comes to the actual operation of both primary and Secondary DNS, Primary DNS users must manually make and commit the changed settings while Secondary DNS are automatically updated via Zone Transfer. Furthermore, Secondary DNS is used to balance the workload between DNS servers and to increase the availability of websites. In comparison, Primary DNS can be used to quickly and efficiently direct website traffic, regardless of the issue. Ultimately, having both primary and Secondary DNS can provide a reliable data system for users.


In conclusion, it is important to understand the differences between Primary DNS and Secondary DNS. Primary DNS are responsible for hosting and managing the domain name information and resource records, while Secondary DNS are used to replicate the records of the Primary DNS server. In addition, Secondary DNS offer several benefits, such as providing extra protection and redundancy, balancing workloads, and ensuring website access is not disrupted. Ultimately, having both primary and Secondary DNS can provide a reliable data system for users.

How Anycast DNS Improves Website Availability and Resilience

Anycast DNS is a traffic-routing solution that provides higher availability, performance, and security levels for critical services. And today, we will explore in more details this DNS service. But let’s first see what Unicast DNS is.

What is Unicast DNS?

Unicast DNS is a Domain Name System (DNS) protocol that maps domain names to IP addresses. Using unicast, a DNS protocol that returns a single record per query request to a domain name will be directed to one specific IP address. This ensures that each request is sent to the same server and response times are consistent. Unicast DNS also offers better data privacy and security as it allows for better control of where requests are sent, and any potential malicious attempts can be monitored and tracked more easily.

Overview of Anycast DNS

Anycast DNS is a traffic-routing load balancing method that provides higher levels of availability and performance for critical services. By using anycast, a DNS protocol that allows multiple IP addresses to be associated with the same domain name, requests to a domain will no longer be limited to one server. Instead, a request is routed to the nearest server network in terms of a round-trip time, which enhances the client user experience. Anycast DNS also allows for greater availability and protection from network outages, reducing the risk of downtime for critical services.

How valuable is it?

Anycast DNS is essential for businesses of all sizes. With it implementation, companies can ensure the availability and resilience of web services, improve performance and user experience, and reduce dependency on single network points of presence. By having multiple servers around the globe, which are all set to respond to DNS queries for the same domain name, Anycast DNS presents an improved way of distributing and balancing traffic for global users. Furthermore, businesses can reduce the risk of downtime with Anycast and ensure critical services remain available for users during peak times or outages.

This traffic-routing load balancing method provides businesses with many advantages, such as enhanced global resiliency and scalability. In addition, the network is redundantly and geographically distributed across multiple data centers and can balance requests without any single point of failure. This provides an extra layer of protection against downtime and makes it more difficult for cybercriminals to impact web services. Furthermore, businesses can improve performance and user experience with Anycast DNS with faster response times and lower latency.

How to Get Started With Anycast DNS

Getting started with Anycast is fast and easy. You only need to register with an Anycast DNS service provider and create a zone with your domain name. Your service provider will assign IP addresses to your zone and develop a DNS server network across multiple regions and data centers. This will allow you to respond most efficiently to all requests from different locations. It is also important to properly configure your records’ TTL settings and ensure that the DNS data is correctly configured. 

Once the DNS configuration is complete, you must set up the Anycast routing. This involves configuring nodes and channels to route the request traffic through the right servers. With the proper setup, you can ensure that your DNS requests are distributed among available locations and reduce response times. Setting up Anycast DNS can also provide improved security through proprietary threat controls such as DNS firewall and advanced DDoS protection services.


In conclusion, Anycast DNS provides businesses with enhanced availability, improved performance, and optimized security for web services. This traffic-routing solution can ensure a better user experience and minimize the risk of downtime during peak times or outages. Furthermore, with the correct Anycast Domain Name System setup, businesses can reap the benefits of having a globally dispersed network and protect against malicious attempts.

DNSSEC Explained: The Basics You Need to Know

Understanding DNSSEC is crucial for website owners who want to be safe and protected from malicious attacks. In this blog post, we’ll cover the basics of DNSSEC, including what it is, why it’s important, and how it works. So, without any further ado, let’s begin!

What is DNSSEC?

DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) is a protocol that adds a layer of security to the Domain Name System (DNS). The DNS is responsible for translating domain names (like into IP addresses that machines can understand. It was created to handle a vulnerability in the DNS that allows malicious actors to intercept DNS queries and redirect regular users to fake websites.

Why is DNSSEC important?

Without DNSSEC, it’s easy for hackers to spoof DNS responses and redirect users to malicious websites. This is known as a DNS cache poisoning attack, and it is commonly initiated to steal sensitive information like login credentials or credit card numbers. It provides a way for website owners to protect their users by ensuring that the DNS responses they receive are authentic and haven’t been tampered with.

How does it work?

DNSSEC uses a system of cryptographic keys to sign DNS records. When a user requests a DNS record, the DNS server returns a signed response that includes a digital signature. The user’s computer can then verify the signature using the public key of the DNS server. If the signature is valid, the user can be confident that the response is authentic.

Implementing DNSSEC

Implementing DNSSEC is a straightforward process, but it does require some technical knowledge. Here are the basic steps involved:

  1. Generate keys: The first step is to generate a pair of cryptographic keys – a private key and a public key. The private key is kept secret and used to sign DNS records, while the public key is published in the DNS for users to verify signatures.
  2. Publish the key: The DNSSEC public key is published in the DNS as a DNSKEY record. This record is signed with the private key to ensure that it can’t be tampered with.
  3. Sign DNS records: Once the DNSSEC key is in place, DNS records can be signed using the private key. This ensures that any DNS responses sent to users can be verified as authentic.
  4. Test: Finally, it’s important to test DNSSEC to ensure that it’s working correctly. This involves checking that DNS responses are being signed and that users can verify signatures using the public key.


DNSSEC is an essential protocol for website owners who want to protect their users from malicious attacks. By adding a layer of protection, they are able to strengthen the security of their Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure. 

Complete breakdown of DNS propagation

Do you need help getting your website to show up properly on the web? Then, read on to find out what DNS propagation is and how it can help make your website accessible worldwide!

Defining the DNS propagation

DNS propagation is the process of updating the Domain Name System (DNS) records across the global web of DNS servers. Each DNS server stores DNS records, including the IP address associated with a domain name. When a DNS record is updated due to an expired domain name registration or a change in hosting provider, the DNS propagation process occurs. Every DNS server must be updated with the correct information to ensure that any web users can accurately reach the site they were looking for.

This process can take a few minutes to several hours to complete. When a DNS record is changed, the time for full propagation depends on the Time to Live (TTL) value set on your DNS records. The lower the TTL value, the faster the changes will be seen across the web. The TTL value determines how frequently each DNS server stored in the global system must re-query the requested records. After the TTL value expires, the requesting DNS server will be updated with the new information, triggering DNS propagation.

Steps of DNS propagation

Step one of DNS propagation is a zone transfer, which verifies that all DNS records have been updated to the correct values. During a zone transfer, the DNS server requests information from an authoritative DNS server to ensure that all DNS records have been updated with the latest changes.

The second step is DNS querying. This step involves querying the domain’s DNS records stored on remote servers in various geographical regions. The DNS record query requests information such as the IP address associated with the domain name. This step ensures that all DNS records are accurate and up-to-date.

The final step of DNS propagation is to update the regional DNS servers. In this step, the DNS servers located in each region are contacted and requested to update their stored records. This step ensures that all DNS servers located in the region are informed about the changes before the TTL values expire and full Domain Name System propagation is completed. After all the regional DNS servers have been updated, the process of DNS propagation is complete, and the domain is now accessible to global users.

Is it possible for potential issues?

Potential issues during the DNS propagation process can occur. One possible issue is Name Server errors. Name server errors can happen due to DNS records not being updated correctly. Cloud-based DNS services use a lot of name servers to ensure reliable connections. If there is an issue with one of the name servers, then it could cause your domain to be unreachable by particular visitors.

Another potential issue is Time to Live (TTL) values. TTL values determine how quickly changes to a domain’s DNS records propagate worldwide. If the TTL values on a domain’s DNS records are set too high, then it will take longer for DNS propagation to complete. Conversely, if the TTL values are set too low, then this may cause issues with the reliability and stability of the domain.

Finally, DNS server failures can also potentially affect this process. If a DNS server fails, this could cause issues with accessing the domain or cause slow loading times. It can also be challenging to troubleshoot and diagnose why the server failed, as many possible causes could have caused it. To help prevent and avoid DNS server failures, it is crucial to ensure that your DNS servers are constantly monitored and maintained.


DNS propagation is essential for any website owner to understand and maintain, as it helps ensure the global availability of their website. Understanding the steps, potential issues, and troubleshooting techniques whit it to ensure that your website is always up and running.

​What TTL means?

If you are interested in networking, soon these letters will be in your way: TTL. Better to get familiar with their meaning and purpose now.

What TTL means?

TTL means time-to-live, and it is a value contained in every IP or Internet Protocol data packet to determine its expiration time. The TTL value is defined by network administrators (senders) based on what is more convenient for the network’s operation, higher or lower values. The TTL informs network routers how long the data packet has been around the network for them to allow it or discard it.

How does TTL work?

Every data packet sent from a host (source) to a destination (another host) will get set with a specific TTL value, established in a number of hops, in its IP header.

While traveling to its destination, the data packet will pass through different routers. Each one will reduce the data packet’s TTL value. At a certain point, the TTL value will be zero, and then, routers will discard the data packet and send to the sender an ICMP or Internet Control Message Protocol message to report “time exceeded”.

As you see, the TTL works as a sort of timer for data packets. It helps to control the maximum time or number of hops through the routers for data packets. Meaning they have to accomplish their trip (purpose) within the time defined by the sender. Once expired, they will be discarded.

What are TTL’s purposes?

​Prevention of network congestion

The time-to-live value was created to control the amount of data packets circulating on networks. Without such a mechanism, imagine the number of already pointless and old data packets that could be traveling across a single network. This could be a serious obstacle for networks to work efficiently. However, having an expiry date and the means to be stopped, data packets, no matter if they multiply daily per million, can be under control.

​Tracing data about data packets

You can trace through the TTL the complete route data packets have followed, and the time they have been circulating within the network.

​Detection and mitigation of security threats

Some cyber attacks, like Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), are executed by sending a large number of data packets with a high TTL value. Remember that the dark purpose is to overwhelm the target. When you (your system) detect such types of data packets, you can set up routers to discard them and mitigate the impact of the malicious attempt.

​Avoidance of routing loops

Routing loops are a big issue for networks. Data packets continually routed via the same routers over and over affect the performance of the network and consume resources like bandwidth and processing power. Thanks to the TTL setup on data packets, especially if the values are low, this issue can be stopped and prevented.

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Now, you know what TTL or time-to-live means. It is a versatile mechanism you can use in different ways to ensure the security and efficiency of your network’s operation.

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